
İTÜ Mineral Processing Engineering Undergraduate Program: Accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) of ABET, www.abet.org(Criteria: General Criteria).

Please follow the link for accrediation information for İTÜ Mineral Processing Engineering Undergraduate Program

Please follow the link for more information about ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC)

Yeni broşürümüz!

by Tülay Türk | Tem 30, 2021
Cevher broşür (Ön)
Cevher broşür (Arka)

İTÜ Department of Mineral Processing Engineering

cevher-anasayfa kopya

The Mineral Processing Engineering education at the Istanbul Technical University has started as a division of the "Mining Engineering Department" which was formed as a part of the Mining Faculty in 1953. The division was re-organized as a department of the same faculty in 2007, in order to meet the requirements of engineering education.