• Student Technical Trip to Camiş Madencilik A.Ş. Bilecik, Akdeniz Mineral Plant, Emet-Colemanite Plant and Boric Acid Production Plant, Erkay Mining Chrome Plant and Merta Machinery Plant within the scope of CHZ 311 coded “Physical Beneficiation Methods” course (20-21 April, 2024)
  • CHZ 432 coded “Ore Haz. Plant Design” to Tüprag Efemçukuru Gold Production Plant, Meta-Nikel Nickel and Cobalt Production Plant, Zenit Mining Balıkesir Gold Production Plant and Merta Machinery Plant (April 29-30, 2024)
  • Technical Trip to Esan-Eczacıbaşı R&D Laboratories within the scope of CHZ 211 coded “Particle Technology” course (May 14, 2024)
  • Technical Trip to Şişecam-Yalıköy Facilities within the scope of CHZ 332E coded “Flotation and Flocculation” and course (May 16, 2024)



  • Technical Trip to Esan-Eczacıbaşı R&D Laboratories within the scope of CHZ 211 coded “Particle Technology” course (April 25, 2023)
  • Technical Trip to Ankara Tufekcioglu Rubber and Machinery Industry Production Factory within the scope of CHZ 332E coded “Flotation and Flocculation” and course (May 6, 2023)
  • Student Technical Trip to Eskişehir Kırka Boron Plant within the scope of CHZ 443E coded “Boron Processing and Applic.” course (December 16, 2023)



  • Technical Trip to Şişecam-Yalıköy Facilities within the scope of CHZ 332E coded “Flotation and Flocculation” and course (May, 2019)
  • Technical Trip to Esan-Eczacıbaşı R&D Laboratories within the scope of CHZ 211 and CHZ 221E coded “Particle Technology and Particle Technology” courses
  • Within the scope of CHZ 311 coded “Physical Beneficiation Methods” and CHZ 311E coded “Physical Beneficiation Methods” courses, Student Technical Trip to Kütahya MAŞ, Etibank-Kütütahya-Emet Colemanite Mining Plant and Boric Acid Plant, Bilecik Cam-iş Mining Plant, Bursa-Harmancık Chrome Beneficiation Plants, (April, 2019)
  • Technical Trip to Çanakkale-Lapseki TÜMAD Gold Enterprises and Çanakkale-Çan Kale Ceramic Production Facilities and R&D Unit with the participation of student club, department staff and research assistants (May, 2019)
  • Visit to Ersel Makina Plant with the participation of department staff (July, 2019)



  • Technical Trip to ESAN Eczacıbaşı-Balya Lead-Zinc Plant, Çanakkale-Çan Kale Mining Facilities and Balıkkesir-Özdoğu Molybdenum-Copper Plants within the scope of CHZ 332E coded “Flotation and Flocculation” and CHZ 318 coded “Industrial Raw Materials” courses
  • Technical Trip to Esan-Eczacıbaşı R&D Laboratories within the scope of CHZ 211 and CHZ 221E coded “Particle Technology and Particle Technology” courses
  • Within the scope of CHZ 311 coded “Physical Beneficiation Methods” and CHZ 311E coded “Physical Beneficiation Methods” courses Eskişehir Manyezit A.Ş., Etibank-Kütütahya-Emet Kolemanit Mining Plant and Boric Acid Plant, Bilecik Cam-iş Mining Plant, Bursa-Harmancık Chrome Beneficiation Plants Student Technical Trip, (November, 2018)
  • Technical Trip to Beypazarı-ETİ Soda A.Ş. Trona Plant, Çayırhan Underground Coal Operations and Thermal Power Plant within the scope of CHZ 506E coded “Solution Mining” course (May, 2018)
  • Technical Visit to ESEN Micronized Grinding Plant and Mine Construction Aggregate Plant within the scope of CHZ 521E coded “Ultrafine Grinding Technologies” course (December, 2018)



  • Technical Trip to Şişecam-Yalıköy Facilities within the scope of CHZ 332E coded “Flotation and Flocculation” course (April, 2017)
  • Technical Trip to Darıca Oyak-Arslan Cement Factory and Facilities within the scope of CHZ 434 coded “Cement Raw Materials and Technology” course (April 2017)
  • Technical Visit to Kuyumcukent within the scope of CHZ 442E coded “Remediation of Industrial & Mineral Wastes” course (April, 2017)
  • Technical Trip to Esan-Eczacıbaşı R&D Laboratories within the scope of CHZ 211 and CHZ 221E coded “Particle Mechanics and Particle Technology” courses (May, 2017.)
  • Student Technical Trip to Kütahya Magnesite- KÜMAŞ, Eskişehir, Etibank-Emet Kolemanit Mining Plant-Kütahya, Bilecik Cam-iş Mining Plant, Bursa-Harmancık Chrome Beneficiation Plants within the scope of CHZ 311 coded “Physical Beneficiation Methods” and CHZ 311E coded “Physical Beneficiation Methods” courses (November, 2017)



  • CHZ 211 Particle Mechanics and CHZ 211E Particle Technology courses, Esan-Eczacıbaşı R&D Facility visit May 3, 2016
  • Student technical visit to Şişecam, Yalıköy sand preparation plant within the scope of CHZ 332E Flotation course, May 16, 2016,
  • Technical visit to Aslan Cement Preparation Plant within the scope of Cement Technologies and Raw Materials Course, April 22, 2016. 
  • Technical visit to Esan Metal Magnesite Production Plant within the scope of CHZ 432 Process Plant Design course, April 30, 2016.



  • Within the scope of CHZ 311 coded “Physical Beneficiation Methods” and CHZ 311E coded “Physical Beneficiation Methods” courses, student technical visit to Kütahya Magnesite- KÜMAŞ, Eskişehir, Etibank-Emet Colemanite Mining Plant-Kütahya, TKİ Tunçbilek-Ömerler Sluice-Hütahya, ŞETAT Orhaneli Chrome Plant-Bursa Mineral Processing and Beneficiation Plants, 14-15 November 2015
  • Esan-Eczacıbaşı R&D Facility visit and Körfez Kocaeli Standart Laboratory student technical trip within the scope of CHZ 211 Particle Mechanics and CHZ 211E Particle Technology courses, April 22, 2015
  • Student technical visit to Uysal Madencilik Malkara, Tekirdag Enterprise within the scope of CHZ 321 Coal Preparation and CHZ321E Coal Preparation courses, November 22, 2015
  • Student technical visit to Aggregate plant within the scope of CHZ 232 Preparatory Processes before Beneficiation and CHZ 232E Processes prior to Concentration courses, April 2015
  • Student technical visit to Şişecam, Yalıköy sand preparation plant within the scope of flotation course, May 02, 2015
